
We live in a world where joy is easily overrun by fear. Fear of what may be. Fear of what could happen. Fear of the unknown. It happens all around us all the time. Someone gets killed in a car … Continue reading

What is art?

In Leo Tolstoy’s “What is Art” he says art is,  “To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced, and having evoked it in oneself, then by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed through words, so to convey this so that others may experience the same feeling — this is the activity of art.” Exactly.

People see films and paintings and sculptures and dancing and hear music, but how do we create those things? We are inspired by experiences. We are inspired by creators and inspired by creation to create.  Art is the way the leaves change in the fall and fall slowly off trees. It’s the way waves roll onto the beach and know exactly where to stop. It’s the way flames leap and dance together. It’s when trees bow to wind. Art is the full moon and the way it throws a silver blanket on the earth and makes you feel as if you were underwater. Art is the way the ocean sounds. It’s all around us. It’s the atoms in the air surrounding us. And the way cells perform mitosis and the way we heal when we have a cut or break a bone. It’s the way birds hatch from eggs and the way they sing and fly. They aren’t told to do it. They just know how to. It’s when we as humans take these things that are inside us, visions we have or sounds we hear, and create them. We make them have shapes, sounds, images, lines, colors, movements, and words. Maybe others will experience the feeling we have experienced and are sharing through our art. Maybe not. Or perhaps they see something different. That’s why it’s beautiful.